When will my baby sleep through the night?


Struggling to have your baby consistently sleep at night? You’re just hoping to have a good night’s sleep. Well, sleepless nights are another rite of passage that comes with motherhood. It won’t span out for a long time, but it will be a while that your baby can sleep by themselves without any night awakenings.

First, you need to understand that an infant’s total sleep hours decrease as they grow. As a newborn, it’s they’re most likely to sleep the most but in short segments. Stanford Children’s Health mentions that babies start to sleep consistently through the night when they reach 3 months old. If you’re curious about an infant’s total sleep hours as they grow, you can check it out here as listed by Stanford Children’s Health.

Of course, you’re not expected to learn right away how to soothe your little one’s late-night wakings. We’ve compiled possible reasons why your baby can’t sleep and how to remedy it. Thus, sound sleep for everyone, especially mommy.

Why can’t my baby sleep? 

There are many possibilities why your baby keeps waking up late into the night. As mentioned above, newborns usually sleep in short segments, so, naturally, they’re awake at ungodly hours of the night. 

Common reasons why your little one is waking through the night:

  • It’s time for a late-night feed. Newborns may feel hungry into the wee hours of the night as they have a tiny tummy and will get hungry after a few hours. Take it as a sign that it’s time to breastfeed again.

  • They want your reassurance and comfort even in the middle of the night. It’s said that a regular part of their development, which often happens at six months old, is they tend to feel separation anxiety and will have trouble going to sleep.

  • They may be overexcited. When babies are about to sleep yet, there are still some exciting activities around and energetic talk; it does no good to your baby’s sleeping habit. It can make them even more alert than tired because it can further their sympathetic nervous system, which is in charge of keeping them alert.

  • It can also be due to illness; they could be teething or having a growth spurt. This can disturb the baby’s sleep. You should contact their pediatrician if anything unusual affects their sleep.

If night awakenings have been repetitive, and you’ve felt like there’s a solid need to remedy it, then by all means, read on. We’ve prepared some tips on how you can help your baby start sleeping soundly throughout the night. Plus, you’ll also finally get enough rest.

Help your baby get to know the difference between day and night

Establish within them from an early age to differentiate day and night. During the day, open the curtains and keep the whole house or bedroom bright. Play and get active with your baby. At night, keep the ambiance calm and quiet and the surroundings dim. It’ll be a signal for them that nighttime is sleeping time. 



Set a bedtime routine

We encourage you to create good sleeping habits for your newborn and help them become good sleepers. Set a good and effective bed routine that could put your baby to sleep as soon as they’re sleep-ready. 

A calming bedtime routine is highly suggested. Try a calming bath, a soothing massage, sing a lullaby or read a story, or cuddle/cradle your baby with some skin-to-skin time. Also, you should do it in the bedroom where your baby sleeps. Make it consistent, and it’ll gradually be another signal that it’s time to sleep.

Sleep with your baby in your room

Every parent might have a different preference regarding sleeping arrangements with your newborn, but it’s suggested that they should sleep with you in the same room during their first six months. Your baby should sleep in a different bed like their own crib or bassinet and not in the family bed. Locate their crib near your bed for easier reach. This would reduce the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). 

Teach your baby to self-soothe

Self-soothing means that you do your best not to contact your baby when they get fussy at night and just soothe them less. It’s okay that you place a hand on their chest while in the crib to reassure them that you’re there and lessen their separation anxiety, but avoid getting them out of the crib and holding them. It’s independent training for them and makes it known that it’s still time to sleep.

Be patient. One piece of advice that is essential for every mommy with a newborn. Your baby will need your attention from their waking and until they sleep. So, if you keep wondering, “when will my baby ever sleep through the night?”, well maybe it’s time to do some research and apply what you’ve read. Some tips will work, and some won’t; it’ll be a series of trial and error. But when you get the proper routine, the baby will be sleeping soundly at night.





