Tick Tock! How to Get Baby on a Routine/Schedule

Creating a routine for your baby with regular feeds, naps, and fun activities can ease the life for both of you.

I will share the four great ideas for creating a routine that works for you and your baby in this post.

1.Help Your Baby Distinguish Between Day And Night

At first, most babies mix up their days and nights. For example, you may find that your baby sleeps longer during the day and wake up at night. Teaching them to learn to tell day from night is a critical step towards a doable routine.

Change your baby’s clothes before bed and when they wake up to show them when the day ends and when another one begins. Keep your house bright and fun during the day but quiet at night. During night feeding, talk to your baby as little as possible.

These changes will help them learn that daytime’s for playing and socializing and nights for sleeping.

2. Establish a Bedtime Routine as Early as Possible

At two months, you can already start introducing a predictable bedtime routine. This will teach your baby to sleep at the same time each night, although it may take a while for them to get used to it.

The key to a successful bedtime is consistency. Try to come up with a straightforward activity that both of you can do every night.

You could try bathing them, putting them in sleepwear, reading a bedtime story, offering a breastfeed or bottle-feed, or putting them down and saying “goodnight.”

However, don’t let the routine exceed 20-30 minutes as the baby may become over-stimulated.

3. Expect Changes During Milestones and Growth Spurts

In the first year, your baby will accomplish a lot. They’ll nearly quadruple their weight and reach significant developmental milestones like sitting, crawling, and maybe even walking.

There can be times when your baby grows and achieves milestones more quickly than others. During these growth spurts, you should expect some disruption to their routine.

Most likely, they will have a growth spurt at 2nd to 3rd week, 6th week, 3rd month, and 6th month. During these times, they may sleep longer or wake up multiple times a night. You may also find that they want to eat more than usual.

If they don’t do their routine again, plan some adjustments to learn new skills and needs. For example, if they’ve just learned to sit up, they may opt for bath support to make them more upright.

4. Adapt Your Baby’s Schedule to their Age

Once you’ve established a predictable rhythm with your baby, it may seem like it’s only a matter of time before it’s time to change it again! As your baby grows older, they will require fewer daytime naps and more playtime and stimulation.

They’ll also need to start eating solid foods at six months. You’ll need to give them additional time to prepare their meals, as well as clean up!

These routine alterations will appear more natural as you learn your baby’s indications. However, if you are having difficulty finding a routine appropriate for their age, your health visitor will be pleased to give you some advice.



Life will also get in the way. Holidays and plans with friends and family will all play a role in your baby’s daily life. An infrequent break should not upset your baby’s schedule too much. Simply pick up as usual when you can, and know that every mom faces the same difficulties. You’re not alone!


