Postpartum Recovery Tips + Products


Getting to know your body again after giving birth is a process. There are some things that everyone knows about life post-birth: lots of bleeding, discomfort, and emotions. But there are things people might not tell you! With as much change as you’re going through, it’s helpful to know all the postpartum possibilities. For starters, your body will look much different. Your boobs will grow considerably, especially if you’re breastfeeding. Of all things, your belly button will look different too. Everyone experiences a unique healing process but you might encounter a heightened sex drive or early ovulation. All of these things considered, your post-baby body is beautiful no matter the changes you go through!

 After you give birth, your day-to-day life certainly won’t be the same. Postpartum can be a lot of different things – but it doesn’t have to be scary! Being prepared is the best way to take on whatever life throws your way. With a new baby it is easy to put your needs at the bottom of the to-do list, but we’re here to give you some tips and products to help you on your postpartum journey!

Our top tips for recovery:

1. Make a Plan for Postpartum Life at Home:

Before you even go to the hospital it is important to have your expectations in check for what life will be like with a newborn. Deciding on a system for household duties can be a major stress relief when you bring your baby home. Depending on how much help you will have, try to come up with only three or four household tasks that you must get done each week. Likewise, choose three tasks that you will let slide each week. When making this decision, take note of the things you always notice around the house, whether it’s dirty floors or disorganization. Having these expectations in place will not only help you but it will allow others to know what they can do. 



2. Don’t Ignore Physical and Mental Red Flags:

Of course pain and discomfort are normal after birth. However, there are physical and mental symptoms that could require some extra attention. Things such as seeing discharge from stitches, persistent heavy bleeding, or pain that isn’t controlled by medication could mean you need professional help. Physical symptoms are not the only thing to be aware of, however. Your mood and thoughts can be an indication of a deeper issue at hand. If you are having trouble feeling a sense of connection with your baby or worrisome thoughts are keeping you up at night, there is no shame in seeking help. Mood issues in new mothers is one of the top concerns of midwives and family medical professionals. It is important to respect the massive change you are going through and that means addressing any issues that are out of the norm – physical or mental!

3. Ask for help!

Moms are definitely superheroes, but even superheroes have sidekicks. Especially in the first few weeks of your postpartum journey, asking for help is crucial. You will be uncomfortable, tired, and stressed so let others fill in the gaps. Don’t be afraid to recruit someone to help with laundry or to shop for groceries. Sometimes even the smallest gestures can be the biggest relief. If someone offers to come over to let you nap or shower, take them up on it! It is no secret that parenting is hard work, so welcome any aid that comes your way. 

Our postpartum recovery kit: