5 Thanksgiving Purees for Baby


So it’s baby’s first Thanksgiving, and you’re ready to share allllll the traditions with your little one, including classic recipes. That’s totally doable – if you stick it all in a blender! Ok, so it’s not that simple. But it is doable – fun, even – to make Thanksgiving purees for your little one to enjoy. Pull baby up to the dinner table and watch her wonder as she explores new foods and shares in the celebration. These tasty recipes are a good start!

A couple of foods to be cautious with:

Cranberries tend to be acidic and are not a “starter” food for babies. You may wish to introduce cranberries between 9 and 12 months old so as to avoid any possible reactions due to the acidity.

Gravy is either made of starches and the fatty drippings from the Thanksgiving Turkey pan or contains a variety of un-pronounceable ingredients. Given that, it may be best to avoid gravy. 

Turkey Dinner

Safe for 7-8 months



Give your baby Thanksgiving in a bowl with this rich and flavorful puree of creamy mashed potatoes, green beans, and roasted turkey. Your baby will love the flavorful combo. The best part? It’s allllll healthy ingredients. Tip: add some breastmilk to help thin it to the right consistency. Safe for babies 7-8 months. 

Green Bean Casserole

Safe for 6-7 months



Green bean casserole is a staple of any Thanksgiving dinner. Green beans are okay, but throw them in a casserole with mushroom soup? Yes please. Check out this baby substitute, which is both yummy & nutritious!

Potato + Butternut Squash mashup

safe for 7 months





If you’re ready to move on to more complex combinations, this combo makes the perfect meal for your little one.

Apple Pie

Safe for 6-10 months



Ok, so, it’s not actually apple pie. But it’s pretty darn close! This puree is chock full of fatty acids, minerals, and vitamins that help baby grow up strong.

Pumpkin Pie

Safe for 6-10 months



Nothing says Thanksgiving like pumpkin pie, ammi right? And with the sweetness of added banana and a little extra spice, your baby will get to share this traditional fall food, and may even let out a ‘mmmmmm.’

With these delicious Thanksgiving baby food recipes, your little one will be enjoying this special meal along with the rest of the family!

